Oficjalna premiera Hana Solo za nami. Czerwony dywan powędrował już z pewnością do czyszczenia, a replika Sokoła Millennium została rozmontowana. Ale to oznacza także pierwsze reakcje i wrażenia po seansie filmu Rona Howarda.
Dobrze jest, czy bardzo dobrze?
Z radością widzimy, że ogromna większość reakcji na film jest bardzo pozytywna. Z pewnością nie brakuje tam humoru i akcji, a i Alden Ehrenreich zbiera bardo pochlebne komentarze. Jeden ze szczęśliwców, którzy film widzieli stwierdził, że Han Solo jest filmem lepszym od Avengers: Wojna bez granic.
Aczkolwiek trzeba pamiętać, że pierwsze wrażenia ze wszystkich poprzednich filmów ery Disney’a były co najmniej równie entuzjastyczne, a jak wiemy nie wszystkie i nie wszystkim przypadły do gustu.
Tym niemniej przytaczamy te opinie:
Oh, thank the maker. It’s good. It’s sooo good. #Solo
— Chris Taylor (@FutureBoy) 11 maja 2018
This is the grungiest, most grunt-level blue collar #StarWars ever and I am here for it. #Solo
— Chris Taylor (@FutureBoy) 11 maja 2018
And when I say surprise, I mean the thing that made jaws drop around the theater. Man, what a hell of a secret to keep. #Solo
— Chris Taylor (@FutureBoy) 11 maja 2018
The first act of SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY can be hit and miss clunky. But once Donald Glover’s Lando shows up (who is legit fantastic) and the Kessel Run heist plot kicks in, it’s a whole lot of fun. (And those who’ve always wanted a Han and Chewbacca shower scene are in luck.)
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 11 maja 2018
It does take a bit to get used to Alden as Han, but after 30 minutes or so your brain adjusts. (Also I’ve now finally seen Clint Howard in a Star Wars movie.) #soloastarwarsstory
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 11 maja 2018
Oh, and this is for sure now the Solo Franchise. It’s not really hiding the fact it’s setting up more Han Solo movies.
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) 11 maja 2018
#SoloAStarWarsStory: It takes a bit for it to find its feet and for AE to turn on enough charm to make you forget he’s not HF. But once it kicks into its hey-let’s-make-a-crew and yes-also-do-a-heist stuff, it totally flies.
— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) 11 maja 2018
I don’t want to add too much more — review on Tuesday, y’all — but feel remiss to not add that Donald Glover is a delightful Lando and no one should sleep on what Phoebe Waller-Bridge does as his beloved droid. Solid supporting cast all around, but they are highlights.
— Kate Erbland (@katerbland) 11 maja 2018
#Solo was fantastic. Rock solid, straight-down-the-middle #StarWars movie. If you’re looking for a palette cleanser after #TheLastJedi, this is it!! pic.twitter.com/2Qjbk4UWcQ
— Jesse B. Gill (@jessebgill) 11 maja 2018
It’s a multi-stage heist movie but tone wise it’s actually a lot like Rogue One except way more fun. The third act isn’t quite as insane but there’s way more action sprinkled throughout.
— Jesse B. Gill (@jessebgill) 11 maja 2018
Donald Glover IS as fabulous as advertised. I had my doubts about the movie too but they were unfounded. I think this is my favorite Disney Star Wars movie yet.
— Jesse B. Gill (@jessebgill) 11 maja 2018
I really dug #SoloAStarWarsStory! I woke up this morning questioning whether I was excited for this movie and walked out ready to see Han’s next adventure on this path. It’s a super solid movie and feels true to what makes #StarWars fun.
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) 11 maja 2018
Tonally it feels more in line with the TV shows than the core Skywalker films, specifically in the way it introduces colorful new characters you immediately believe have been in the sidelines all this time. Phoebe Waller-Bridges absolutely steals the show. #SoloAStarWarsStory
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) 11 maja 2018
Also the creature design is AMAZING. No milking anyone her. From the droids to the new aliens to everything in between, they feel like they belong in the original trilogies. Seems to lean much more on practical effects than any notable, obtrusive CGI. #SoloAStarWarsStory
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) 11 maja 2018
#Solo is afun! I was pleasantly surprised that it worked as well as it did given all the behind the scenes drama & retooling. Charming cast, fun action, good jokes, good fan service but still does its own thing. #StarWars will be fine.
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) 11 maja 2018
Alden made for a fine young Han. He’s not the Harrison Ford Han Solo but there are definitely plenty of homages and familiarity. He made it his own. Chewie and Lando are standouts as is Phoebe Waller-Bridge
— Jim Vejvoda (@JimVejvoda) 11 maja 2018
ALDEN EHRENREREICH IS HAN SOLO! The movie is an absolute blast to hyperspace! #SoloPremiere #SoloAStarWarsStory #Solomovie
— Umberto Gonzalez (@elmayimbe) 11 maja 2018
#SoloAStarWarsStory is reaaaaalllly good. Fun as hell. It’s a straight intergalactic heist movie, kind of refreshing to see a Star Wars movie w/o a Death Star or the rebellion’s fate at stake. Alden Ehrenreich is super impressive as Han, but L3 might be my favorite new character.
— Kevin Polowy (@djkevlar) 11 maja 2018
I figured if @DisneyStudios was willing to show 'Solo: A Star Wars Story’ a few weeks before release it must be good and it absolutely is. Film is a blast and a welcome addition to the Star Wars universe. @RealRonHoward you did a great job. Congrats. pic.twitter.com/1pkWH2y6qE
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 11 maja 2018
Another thing about 'Solo: A Star Wars Story’ that really stood out are the action set pieces. They were GREAT and so well choreographed.
Also thought Alden Ehrenreich was perfectly cast as Han Solo. Trust me entire cast was fantastic. Can’t wait to see it again. pic.twitter.com/Sh5IC8qnSF
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) 11 maja 2018
#Solo was a blast. The Kasdans nail the character of Han Solo. Yes, the story is a series of expected events (Han meets chewie….etc) but none of them happen as expected. Stay away from spoilers, big Marvel-level shit that will make you wonder where Lucasfilm is headed next.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) 11 maja 2018
#Solo feels surprisingly unlike any Star Wars movie before, yet perfectly captures the tone, adventure, characters and humor of the #StarWars franchise. Also, I need a Lando movie in my life.
— Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) 11 maja 2018
Solo: A Star Wars Story is a goddamn delight. It’s a non-stop adventure packed with way more emotion than your expecting. You’ll have a smile on your face the whole time and leave eager for more. pic.twitter.com/fOsF7Tr95L
— Germain Lussier (@GermainLussier) 11 maja 2018
WOW! #SoloAStarWarsStory! I felt like I was watching a @StarWars movie again. So many great moments for the fans AND surprises.. I’ve got the feels after this one…MORE than #InfinityWar.
— Brian Tong (@briantong) 11 maja 2018
Don’t get caught up with the director changes and any uncertainty if it affects the move in a negative way. Ron Howard and the team have delivered! THANK YOU!
— Brian Tong (@briantong) 11 maja 2018
Infinity War was a spectacle and amazing movie. You know how much I love the MCU. But I’m saying it. #SoloAStarWarsStory was a better MOVIE.
— Brian Tong (@briantong) 11 maja 2018
I loved #SoloAStarWarsStory so much. It’s a western. A caper. Funny with so much heart. It’s got so much surprises that fans are going to love. Donald Glover is charming x1000. Alden Ehrenreich is a great #HanSolo and just know I’ve been saying this for years! Fave new #StarWars.
— Michelle Buchman (@michelledeidre) 11 maja 2018
Wow. Just come out of #SoloAStarWarsStory and can confirm it’s kinda a blast. @donaldglover was as perfect as expected, but Alden Ehrenreich has swagger to match, and spare.
— Joel Meares (@joelmeares) 11 maja 2018
Foot heavy on the nostalgia pedal, bit of a rough opening, but could not wipe smirk off my face for most of it. Also: train heist.
— Joel Meares (@joelmeares) 11 maja 2018
And also, L3-37 is utter scene stealer #SoloAStarWarsStory
— Joel Meares (@joelmeares) 11 maja 2018
A może źle?
Ale zdarzyły się nie tak pozytywne opinie. Niezbyt wiele, ale jednak.
There’s some fun to be had with #SoloAStarWarsStory. Ehrenreich was solid and really enjoyed Glover and Waller-Bridge as L3, but not convinced we needed a young Han Solo movie. Was really hoping for higher stakes, more energy and depth.
— Perri Nemiroff (@PNemiroff) 11 maja 2018
Thought there is a lot of fun to be had with Solo but I was definitely disappointed. I’m sorry guys! But it seems like there are TONS who loved it. I’m only one opinion.
— Kristian Harloff (@KristianHarloff) 11 maja 2018
Ale jak zawsze, najlepiej opinię wyrobić sobie samemu, a do tego czasu trzymać się z dala od spoilerów!
Przypomnijmy, że film Han Solo w reżyserii Rona Howarda zadebiutuje w kinach 25 maja. W obsadzie są Alden Ehrenreich (Han Solo), Donald Glover (Lando Calrissian), Woody Harrelson (Beckett), Emilia Clarke (Qi’ra), Phoebe Waller-Bridge (L3-37), Thandie Newton (Val) oraz Joonas Suotamo jako Chewbacca.
Jak zawsze polecamy wam też inne artykuły dotyczące nadchodzącego filmu:
- Garść nowych plakatów | „Han Solo”
- Tytuły wszystkich utworów ze ścieżki dźwiękowej | „Han Solo”
- Świetne wyniki przedsprzedaży biletów | „Han Solo”
- Chewie za sterami i Wielka Gra, czyli dwa nowe spoty | „Han Solo”
- Analiza drugiego zwiastuna | „Han Solo”
- PILNE! Jest drugi zwiastun | „Han Solo”
- „Han Solo” zadebiutuje na Festiwalu Filmowym w Cannes!